Prosthetix Shop brings back their “Light Up Your Limb” contest for 2021. Find out more here.
Nicole Jordan, Vice President of Operations, for Prosthetix Shop recently met with Tom Cooney of Cooney Faulkner & Stevens, LLC (CFS), to discuss the company and the ‘Light Up Your Limb’ contest going on now through December 31st. Their conversation was broadcast as part of Business Wise on 89.3 WMKV. About Prosthetixshop: Light Up Your…

Aaron Moles speaks with Christine Umbrell from Orthotics & Prosthetics Almanac about the Amputee Mobility Predictor© (AMP) and the Activity-Specific Balance Confidence (ABC) scale to evaluate patients for initial prostheses and establish the appropriate K level as described by Medicare. You can read the complete interview here.

Aaron Moles, owner of Prosthetix Shop was interviewed by Deborah Cann in the October, 2014 edition of Orthotics & Prosthetics Almanac. You can find a link to this interview here – or download the interview here.

Tom Cooney of Cooney, Faulkner & Stevens recently interviewed Aaron Moles and Nicole Jordan for WNKU’s BusinessWise. Here is an excerpt of that interview: