Insurance Coverage

Prosthetix Shop accepts Medicare, Medicaid and most major insurance company plans.

How Much Does a Prosthetic Leg Cost?

This can be a tricky question to answer without a discussion with a prosthetist first. At Prosthetix Shop we don’t believe in a “one size fits most” approach to patient care so determining what is best for each person we meet varies and so will the cost.

Every amputee has unique needs and mobility goals (ranging from daily activities at home or work to favorite recreational pastimes); therefore, prosthetic device options and associated costs will differ.

Common medical billing base codes include:

L5301 – New transtibial – below knee endoskeletal prosthesis

L5200 – New transfemoral – above knee prosthesis

L5700 – Transtibial – below knee replacement socket

L5701 – Transfemoral – above knee replacement socket without cover

Base codes are like buying the frame of a car.  Your car will still need wheels, suspension, and an engine, among other things.  Just like a car needs additional parts to function, your prosthesis will as well. Based on your specific needs, additional codes will be included. For example: prosthetic knee, prosthetic foot, liners, shrinkers, socks and other accessories.

Call Prosthetix Shop for a free consultation. We can provide a complete list of potential codes to correspond with your circumstances and objectives. And while Prosthetix Shop will handle medical billing for you, you may want to contact your insurance company in advance to inquire about your policy coverage.

Payment Options

The Prosthetix Shop accepts the following credit cards:

  • Visa
  • MasterCard

Prosthetix Shop offers free consultations and never charges for prosthetic evaluations, fittings or adjustments. Fees are only assessed for the prosthesis and necessary prosthetic accessories. Prosthetix Shop handles all medical billing for our patients, including proper medical documentation to justify the prosthetic device you need.

And because we understand that medical bills can be a financial strain, Prosthetix Shop may be able to arrange for a payment plan to cover any outstanding balances. To discuss how we can help, please call us at (513) 843-5126 for Cincinnati, Ohio or (859) 440-3178 for Northern Kentucky. And for greater Columbus, Ohio please call (614) 500-4215.